About Us
- We focus on long-term strategic goals
- We stopped applying fertilizer
- We reforested large areas of erodible land
- We compensate 100% of our greenhouse gas emission
- We conduct an Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) every year
The aim of our agricultural activities is based on long-term goals, so that this field of operations also provides benefits for future generations. To achieve this goal, our activities must be in harmony with natural resources and adapted to the viability of the Waikura Valley. In the course of these considerations, we have decided to reduce our livestock by 15%. Through this measure we reduce the pressure on the soil and to give us a greater flexibility during difficult periods.
As a further measure we decided to stop applying fertilizer and instead using the funds to upgrade the farm infrastructure. In the last two years a lot of new fences have been rebuild or upgraded. This makes it possible to set up better grazing rotations and therefore use the land more effectively. In addition a new stock water system has been installed to ensure better animal performances in dry conditions.
To monitor our impact on the land we conduct an Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) every year. This EOV is done by an independent company and includes measurements of biodiversity, water infiltration and ground cover.
Our stock is 100% grass-fed. The livestock is outdoors all year round and feeds exclusively on that seasons growth. In recent years, areas that are difficult to graze have been reforested and good areas have been made more productive in return. This means that fences have been repaired, drains have been dug and areas mulched. Through the reforestation of large areas and the resulting CO2 sequestering, we compensate 100% of the greenhouse gas emissions of our livestock. Our aims are to continually practice more efficient and sustainable agriculture.
- A spray drone enables us to act flexible, fast and precise in controlling weeds
- An intelligent solar powered irrigation system helps us to cultivate our flats during dry periods
- A project with “Fleece less sheep” aims to open the door for a modern sheep-breeding
Innovation is in our view an important factor to enable more sustainable development without compromising productivity. Innovation often takes time to bring real benefits to specific locations. Below is a list of some of the innovations we are testing.
To reduce the use of herbicides we use a spray drone. The aim is to stop the application of herbicides over large areas by helicopter. With the drone, the active ingredient can be applied much more precisely and in smaller quantities. The drone can transport 10 kg of spray agent, which can cover up to 2000 m^2. This enables us to act early as well as remain flexible so that the weed pressure can be controlled effectively.
In the course of global warming, our region is also confronted with longer and hotter dry periods. For this reason, we use an intelligent mobile solar powered irrigation system. The water pump which feeds water from the river into the system is powered by solar panels. The subsequent water pressure drives a small turbine which retracts the irrigation trolley. This way an area of 0.75 ha per day can be covered.
We also try to adapt the herd to the current economic situation and environmental developments. For this reason, we are running a project to test a new breed of “fleece less sheep”. Two factors have led us to test this new breed. On the one hand the wool business has become loss-making and on the other hand higher standards in animal welfare are to come over time. As the new breed sheds its wool, there is no need for a lot of work associated with it. On the other hand, the animal welfare of these animals is improved because they are less exposed to stress and potential for injury.
Social Aspects
- High health and safety standards
- High standard of infrastructure
- A lot of recreational opportunities
- Central modern facilities available to everybody including an onsite Butchery
- High job security due to diversification